Tags: WordPress

Lifelong Literacy

Lifelong Literacy

A WordPress-based education website offering tutoring services and books, embarked on a project to enhance its operations. Primary objectives included improving content contributor satisfaction, customer satisfaction, awareness, and lead generation within the education industry.

Road Safety Education

A WordPress-based platform dedicated to road safety e-learning, embarked on a project to enhance its operations. Key objectives included increasing awareness, optimizing workflow automation, and improving customer satisfaction within the road safety education sector.

Sunsolis Legal

A WordPress-based website representing a legal firm, initiated a project to enhance its operations. Primary objectives included increasing awareness, improving sales support, and enhancing customer satisfaction within the legal industry.



A WordPress-based platform in the construction management software industry, embarked on a project to enhance its operations. The primary objectives were to improve sales support, generate more qualified leads, boost customer satisfaction, and optimize workflow automation within the technology sector.

Happy Travels

Happy Travels

A WordPress-based travel and tours website, embarked on a project to enhance its operations. The primary objectives included generating more qualified leads, increasing industry awareness, and optimizing workflow automation within the travel and tours sector.

ICE Cargo

A WordPress-based logistics website, initiated a project to improve operations. Key objectives included enhancing content contributor satisfaction, increasing awareness within the logistics industry, and generating more qualified leads.

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